Module 16: C++ Copy and Move Semantics | CMSC 240 Software Systems Development - Fall 2024

Module 16: C++ Copy and Move Semantics

Learning Objectives:

Exercise 1: Implementing Copy Constructor

Learn how copy constructors work and when they are invoked.

  1. In the exercise1 folder of your GitHub repository, edit the file Box.cpp and implement a copy constructor in the class Box with:
    • A copy constructor that performs a deep copy.
  2. Review the code in the file main.cpp.
  3. Run make.
  4. Execute the program main.
  5. Copy the output into the file and give a brief explanation as to what happened.

Exercise 2: Copy Assignment Operator

Understand how to implement the copy assignment operator.

  1. In the exercise2 folder of your GitHub repository, edit the file Box.cpp and implement the copy assignment operator for the Box class:
    • Ensure that existing resources are cleaned up before performing a deep copy.
    • Handle self-assignment correctly.
  2. Review the code in the file main.cpp.
  3. Run make.
  4. Execute the program main.
  5. Copy the output into the file and give a brief explanation as to what happened.

Exercise 3: Understanding Move Constructor

Explore how move constructors allow efficient resource transfer.

  1. In the exercise3 folder of your GitHub repository, edit the file Box.cpp and implement a move constructor to the Box class:
    • Transfer ownership of the dynamically allocated int from the source object to the target object.
    • Set the source object’s pointer to nullptr.
  2. Review the code in the file main.cpp.
  3. Run make.
  4. Execute the program main.
  5. Copy the output into the file and give a brief explanation as to what happened.

Exercise 4: Move Assignment Operator

Explore the move assignment operator and resource transfer.

  1. In the exercise4 folder of your GitHub repository, edit the file Box.cpp and implement a move assignment operator to the Box class:
    • Release any existing resources of the target object.
    • Transfer ownership of resources from the source object.
    • Leave the source object in a valid state.
  2. Review the code in the file main.cpp.
  3. Run make.
  4. Execute the program main.
  5. Copy the output into the file and give a brief explanation as to what happened.